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Dataset Title:  Ireland's Marine Institute Research Vessel Underway Data 1994 - 2002   RSS
Institution:  Marine Institute   (Dataset ID: imipublicwindmill)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Subset | Make a graph
Variable ?   Optional
Constraint #1 ?
Constraint #2 ?
   Minimum ?
   or a List of Values ?
   Maximum ?
 midgid (Not applicable) ?      
   - +  ?
 sdn_local_cdi_id (Not applicable) ?              
 sdn_edmed_global (Not applicable) ?              
 sdn_csrref_global (Not applicable) ?              
 SeaVox_SeaArea (SeaVox Sea-Area, Not applicable) ?              
 SeaVox_SeaArea_urn (Not applicable) ?              
 ICES_ecoregion (Not applicable) ?              
 ICES_area (Not applicable) ?              
 ICES_statistical_rectangle (Not applicable) ?              
 MSFD_region (Not applicable) ?              
 MSFD_subregion (Not applicable) ?              
 WFD_waterbody_type (Not applicable) ?              
 WFD_waterbody_name (Not applicable) ?              
 SWD_shellfish_waterbody (Not applicable) ?              
 comp4_assessment_area_name (Not applicable) ?              
 ore_site (ORE site name) ?              
 station_id (Station name, Not applicable) ?              
 site_bathy_depth (m) ?              
 platform_category (Not applicable) ?              
 platform_category_code (Not applicable) ?              
 platform_name (Not applicable) ?      
   - +  ?
 ices_platform_code (Not applicable) ?      
   - +  ?
 cruise (cruise name, Not applicable) ?      
   - +  ?
 expocode (Expedition code, Not applicable) ?              
 year (Not applicable) ?      
   - +  ?
 month (Not applicable) ?      
   - +  ?
 time (time of measurement, UTC) ?              
 depth (depth of measurement, m) ?              
 latitude (degrees_north) ?              
 longitude (degrees_east) ?              
 temperature (sea_water_temperature, degC) ?              
 bathymetric_depth (m) ?              
 salinity (Dimensionless) ?              
 atmospheric_pressure (mbar) ?              
 air_temperature (degC) ?              
 relative_humidity (Percent) ?              
 temperature_qc (temperature data quality flag) ?              
 bathymetric_depth_qc ?              
 salinity_qc (salinity data quality flag) ?              
 atmospheric_pressure_qc ?              
 air_temperature_qc ?              
 relative_humidity_qc ?              
Server-side Functions ?
 distinct() ?
? ("Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.")

File type: (more info)

(Documentation / Bypass this form ? )
(Please be patient. It may take a while to get the data.)


The Dataset Attribute Structure (.das) for this Dataset

Attributes {
 s {
  midgid {
    String cf_role "trajectory_id";
    String comment "The internal identifier for data granules (e.g. a CTD profile, a mooring deployment, a cruise of underway data, etc) managed by the Marine Institute.";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "Marine Institute Data Granule Identifier";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  sdn_local_cdi_id {
    String comment "The local identifier for a data granule submitted to the SeaDataNet Common Data Index catalog.";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "SeaDataNet local CDI ID";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  sdn_edmed_global {
    String comment "The global identifier for a dataset record in the SeaDataNet European Directory of Marine Environment Datasets (EDMED) catalog (";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "SeaDataNet global EDMED Identifier";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  sdn_csrref_global {
    String comment "The global identifier for a Cruise Summary Report for a research cruise or survey submitted to the SeaDataNet CSR catalog (";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "SeaDataNet global CSRREF";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  SeaVox_SeaArea {
    String comment "This field is populated from the SeaVoX salt and fresh water body gazetteer (";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "SeaVox Sea-Area";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  SeaVox_SeaArea_urn {
    String comment "This field is populated with the code from the SeaVoX salt and fresh water body gazetteer (";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "SeaVox Sea-Area code value";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  ICES_ecoregion {
    String comment "The ecoregions are based on biogeographic and oceanographic features and existing political, social, economic, and management divisions. They are developed through an iterative process of consultations between scientists and stakeholders led by the ICES Advisory Committee (ACOM). See:";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "ICES ecoregion";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  ICES_area {
    String comment "See:";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "ICES area";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  ICES_statistical_rectangle {
    String comment "ICES statistical rectangles are used for the gridding of data to make simplified analysis and visualization. ICES statistical rectangles (StatRecs) have been in use since the 1970's, and were first officially referenced in CM document 1977/Gen:3 document 'ICES Statistical Rectangle Coding System'. ICES statistical rectangles provide a grid covering the area between 36 degrees N and 85 degrees 30 minutes N and 44 degrees W and 68 degrees 30 minutes E. See:";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "ICES statistical rectangle";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  MSFD_region {
    String comment "This field is populated with the MSFD region (";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "Marine Strategy Framework Directive region";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  MSFD_subregion {
    String comment "This field is populated with the MSFD sub-region (";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "Marine Strategy Framework Directive sub-region";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  WFD_waterbody_type {
    String comment "This field is populated with the WFD water body type (";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "Water Framework Directive waterbody type";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  WFD_waterbody_name {
    String comment "This field is populated with the WFD water body name (";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "Water Framework Directive waterbody name";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  SWD_shellfish_waterbody {
    String comment "This field is populated with the SWD water body name (";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "Shellfish Water Directive shellfish water";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  comp4_assessment_area_name {
    String comment "This field is populated with the 4th Application of OSPAR Common Procedure Assessment Area names.";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "OSPAR Comp4 Assessment Area Name";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  ore_site {
    String comment "Name of an actual or prospective ORE site";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "ORE site name";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
  station_id {
    String comment "A name used to identify a location that has over time been revisited for the purpose of repeat measurement as part of a long-term observation series. Sometimes termed a \"site\" and OceanSITES define as a defined geographic location where sustained oceanographic, meteorological or other observations are made. Note: A site should be thought of as a point in space, i.e. a nominal position, with a small area extent around it, such that successive observations from anywhere within this area reasonably represent conditions at the nominal position for the major scientific questions that the observations address.";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "Station name";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  site_bathy_depth {
    String comment "The sea-floor depth at the location identified by the positional metadata in the dataset.";
    String ioos_category "Bathymetry";
    String long_name "sea floor depth below sea surface";
    String sdn_parameter_name "Sea-floor depth (below instantaneous sea level) {bathymetric depth} in the water body";
    String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::MBANZZZZ";
    String sdn_uom_name "Metres";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::ULAA";
    String standard_name "sea_floor_depth_below_sea_surface";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "m";
  platform_category {
    String comment "The category of platform the instruments are deployed on. This term is taken from the SeaVoX Platform Categories vocabulary (";
    String ioos_category "Other";
    String long_name "platform category";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  platform_category_code {
    String comment "The vocabulary code assigned to the category of platform the instruments are deployed on. This code is taken from the SeaVoX Platform Categories vocabulary (";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "platform category code";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  platform_name {
    String comment "The name of the platform the instruments are deployed on. An OceanSITES platform is an independently deployable package of instruments and sensors forming part of a site. It may be fixed to the ocean floor, may float or may be self-propelled.";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "platform name";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String standard_name "platform_name";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  ices_platform_code {
    String comment "Code assigned by ICES for a platform from which samples are collected or observations made. This code is taken from the ICES Platform Codes vocabulary (";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "ICES platform code";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String standard_name "platform_id";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  cruise {
    String comment "Name given to a research cruise or survey.";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "cruise name";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  expocode {
    String comment "EXPOCODE, or the \"expedition code\", is a unique alphanumeric identifier defined by the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) of the US. The code defines a standard nomenclature for cruise labels of research vessels and intends to avoid confusion in oceanographic data management. The code was used by international projects (WOCE, CarboOcean) and is considered a de facto standard in the international hydrographic community beginning with the Climate Variability Program (CLIVAR) and the EU-Project Eurofleets.";
    String ioos_category "Identifier";
    String long_name "Expedition code";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  year {
    Int32 actual_range 1994, 2002;
    String comment "A metadata variable containing the year component of the time.";
    String ioos_category "Other";
    String long_name "year";
    String sdn_parameter_name "Year since birth of Christ";
    String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::YEARXXXX";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  month {
    Int32 actual_range 1, 12;
    String comment "A metadata variable containing the month component of the time.";
    String ioos_category "Other";
    String long_name "month";
    String sdn_parameter_name "Month within year";
    String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::MNTHXXXX";
    String sdn_uom_name "Not applicable";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::XXXX";
    String technical_data "true";
    String units "Not applicable";
  time {
    String _CoordinateAxisType "Time";
    String axis "T";
    String calendar "standard";
    String ioos_category "Time";
    String long_name "time of measurement";
    String Processing_level "Raw instrument data";
    String QC_indicator "good data";
    String sdn_odv_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::DTUT8601";
    String sdn_odv_units_urn "SDN:P06::TISO";
    String sdn_parameter_name "Elapsed time relative to 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z";
    String sdn_parameter_uri "";
    String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::ELTMEP01";
    String sdn_qc "1";
    String sdn_uom_name "Seconds";
    String sdn_uom_uri "";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UTBB";
    String standard_name "time";
    String time_origin "01-JAN-1970 00:00:00";
    String units "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z";
  depth {
    String _CoordinateAxisType "Height";
    String _CoordinateZisPositive "down";
    String axis "Z";
    String coordinate_reference_frame "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::5715";
    String ioos_category "Location";
    String long_name "depth of measurement";
    String positive "down";
    String Processing_level "Data manually reviewed";
    String QC_indicator "nominal value";
    String reference "mean_sea_level";
    String sdn_parameter_name "Depth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body";
    String sdn_parameter_uri "";
    String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::ADEPZZ01";
    String sdn_qc "7";
    String sdn_uom_name "metres";
    String sdn_uom_uri "";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::ULAA";
    String standard_name "depth";
    String units "m";
    Float64 valid_max 12000.0;
    Float64 valid_min 0.0;
  latitude {
    String _CoordinateAxisType "Lat";
    Float64 _FillValue 99999.0;
    String axis "Y";
    String coordinate_reference_frame "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326";
    String ioos_category "Location";
    String long_name "latitude of measurement";
    String Processing_level "Data manually reviewed";
    String QC_indicator "nominal value";
    String reference "WGS84";
    String sdn_parameter_name "Latitude north";
    String sdn_parameter_uri "";
    String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::ALATZZ01";
    String sdn_uom_name "Degrees north";
    String sdn_uom_uri "";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::DEGN";
    String standard_name "latitude";
    String units "degrees_north";
    Float64 valid_max 90.0;
    Float64 valid_min -90.0;
  longitude {
    String _CoordinateAxisType "Lon";
    Float64 _FillValue 99999.0;
    String axis "X";
    String coordinate_reference_frame "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326";
    String ioos_category "Location";
    String long_name "longitude of measurement";
    String Processing_level "Data manually reviewed";
    String QC_indicator "nominal value";
    String reference "WGS84";
    String sdn_parameter_name "Longitude east";
    String sdn_parameter_uri "";
    String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::ALONZZ01";
    String sdn_uom_name "Degrees east";
    String sdn_uom_uri "";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::DEGE";
    String standard_name "longitude";
    String units "degrees_east";
    Float64 valid_max 180.0;
    Float64 valid_min -180.0;
  temperature {
    String ancillary_variables "temperature_qc";
    String coordinates "TIME;DEPTH;LATITUDE;LONGITUDE";
    String ioos_category "Temperature";
    String msfd_criteria_name "Habitat condition";
    String msfd_criteria_urn "SDN:C46::C1_6";
    String msfd_descriptor_name "Biological diversity maintained";
    String msfd_descriptor_urn "SDN:C45::D1";
    String msfd_indicator_name "Physical, hydrological and chemical conditions";
    String msfd_indicator_urn "SDN:C47::IN1_6_3";
    String reference_scale "ITS-90";
    String sdn_instrument_name "unknown";
    String sdn_instrument_uri "";
    String sdn_instrument_urn "SDN:L22::TOOLZZZ";
    String sdn_P02_name "Temperature of the water column";
    String sdn_P02_urn "SDN:P02::TEMP";
    String sdn_P03_name "Water column temperature and salinity";
    String sdn_P03_urn "SDN:P03::D025";
    String sdn_P08_name "Physical oceanography";
    String sdn_P08_urn "SDN:P08::DS03";
    String sdn_parameter_name "Temperature of the water body by thermosalinograph hull sensor and no verification against independent measurements";
    String sdn_parameter_uri "";
    String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::TEMPHU01";
    String sdn_qc_variable "temperature_qc";
    String sdn_uom_name "Degrees Celsius";
    String sdn_uom_uri "";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UPAA";
    String sensor_model "unknown";
    String sensor_reference "";
    String sensor_SeaVox_L22_code "SDN:L22::TOOLZZZ";
    String standard_name "sea_water_temperature";
    String units "degC";
  bathymetric_depth {
    String ancillary_variables "bathymetric_depth_qc";
    String coordinates "TIME;DEPTH;LATITUDE;LONGITUDE";
    String ioos_category "Bathymetry";
    String sdn_instrument_name "unknown";
    String sdn_instrument_uri "";
    String sdn_instrument_urn "SDN:L22::TOOLZZZ";
    String sdn_P02_name "Bathymetry and Elevation";
    String sdn_P02_urn "SDN:P02::MBAN";
    String sdn_P03_name "Gravity, magnetics and bathymetry; Terrestrial";
    String sdn_P03_urn "SDN:P03::G005 SDN:P03::T001";
    String sdn_P08_name "Marine geology; Terrestrial";
    String sdn_P08_urn "SDN:P08::DS04 SDN:P08::DS08";
    String sdn_parameter_name "Bathymetric depth of seafloor relative to datum specified elsewhere {sea-floor depth} in the water body";
    String sdn_parameter_uri "";
    String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::MBANZZ11";
    String sdn_qc_variable "bathymetric_depth_qc";
    String sdn_uom_name "Metres";
    String sdn_uom_uri "";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::ULAA";
    String sensor_model "unknown";
    String sensor_reference "";
    String sensor_SeaVox_L22_code "SDN:L22::TOOLZZZ";
    String standard_name "sea_floor_depth_below_sea_surface";
    String units "m";
  salinity {
    String ancillary_variables "salinity_qc";
    String atlantos_EOV_name "Salinity";
    String atlantos_EOV_urn "SDN:A05::EV_SALIN";
    String coordinates "TIME;DEPTH;LATITUDE;LONGITUDE";
    String ices_PARAM_name "salinity";
    String ices_PARAM_urn "ICES:PARAM::PSAL";
    String ioos_category "Salinity";
    String msfd_criteria_name "Habitat condition";
    String msfd_criteria_urn "SDN:C46::C1_6";
    String msfd_descriptor_name "Biological diversity maintained";
    String msfd_descriptor_urn "SDN:C45::D1";
    String msfd_indicator_name "Physical, hydrological and chemical conditions";
    String msfd_indicator_urn "SDN:C47::IN1_6_3";
    String reference_scale "PSS-78";
    String sdn_instrument_name "Sea-Bird SBE 21 Thermosalinograph";
    String sdn_instrument_uri "";
    String sdn_instrument_urn "SDN:L22::TOOL0667";
    String sdn_P02_name "Salinity of the water column";
    String sdn_P02_urn "SDN:P02::PSAL";
    String sdn_P03_name "Water column temperature and salinity";
    String sdn_P03_urn "SDN:P03::D025";
    String sdn_P08_name "Physical oceanography";
    String sdn_P08_urn "SDN:P08::DS03";
    String sdn_parameter_name "Practical salinity of the water body by computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm";
    String sdn_parameter_uri "";
    String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::PSALZZXX";
    String sdn_qc_variable "salinity_qc";
    String sdn_uom_name "Dimensionless";
    String sdn_uom_uri "";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UUUU";
    String sensor_manufacturer "Sea-Bird Scientific";
    String sensor_manufacturer_uri "";
    String sensor_manufacturer_urn "SDN:B75::ORG00226";
    String sensor_model "Sea-Bird SBE 21 Thermosalinograph";
    String sensor_reference "";
    String sensor_SeaVox_L22_code "SDN:L22::TOOL0667";
    String standard_name "sea_water_salinity";
    String units "Dimensionless";
  atmospheric_pressure {
    String ancillary_variables "atmospheric_pressure_qc";
    String atlantos_EOV_name "Atmospheric pressure";
    String atlantos_EOV_urn "SDN:A05::EV_AIRPRESS";
    String coordinates "TIME;DEPTH;LATITUDE;LONGITUDE";
    String ioos_category "Meteorology";
    String sdn_instrument_name "unknown";
    String sdn_instrument_uri "";
    String sdn_instrument_urn "SDN:L22::TOOLZZZ";
    String sdn_P02_name "Air pressure";
    String sdn_P02_urn "SDN:P02::CAPH";
    String sdn_P03_name "Meteorology";
    String sdn_P03_urn "SDN:P03::M010";
    String sdn_P08_name "Atmosphere";
    String sdn_P08_urn "SDN:P08::DS05";
    String sdn_parameter_name "Pressure (measured variable) exerted by the atmosphere";
    String sdn_parameter_uri "";
    String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::CAPHZZ01";
    String sdn_qc_variable "atmospheric_pressure_qc";
    String sdn_uom_name "Millibars";
    String sdn_uom_uri "";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UPBB";
    String sensor_model "unknown";
    String sensor_reference "";
    String sensor_SeaVox_L22_code "SDN:L22::TOOLZZZ";
    String standard_name "air_pressure";
    String units "mbar";
  air_temperature {
    String ancillary_variables "air_temperature_qc";
    String atlantos_EOV_name "Air temperature";
    String atlantos_EOV_urn "SDN:A05::EV_AIRTEMP";
    String coordinates "TIME;DEPTH;LATITUDE;LONGITUDE";
    String ioos_category "Meteorology";
    String reference_scale "ITS-90";
    String sdn_instrument_name "unknown";
    String sdn_instrument_uri "";
    String sdn_instrument_urn "SDN:L22::TOOLZZZ";
    String sdn_P02_name "Air temperature";
    String sdn_P02_urn "SDN:P02::CDTA";
    String sdn_P03_name "Meteorology";
    String sdn_P03_urn "SDN:P03::M010";
    String sdn_P08_name "Atmosphere";
    String sdn_P08_urn "SDN:P08::DS05";
    String sdn_parameter_name "Temperature of the atmosphere";
    String sdn_parameter_uri "";
    String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::CTMPZZ01";
    String sdn_qc_variable "air_temperature_qc";
    String sdn_uom_name "Degrees Celsius";
    String sdn_uom_uri "";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UPAA";
    String sensor_model "unknown";
    String sensor_reference "";
    String sensor_SeaVox_L22_code "SDN:L22::TOOLZZZ";
    String standard_name "air_temperature";
    String units "degC";
  relative_humidity {
    String ancillary_variables "relative_humidity_qc";
    String atlantos_EOV_name "Air humidity";
    String atlantos_EOV_urn "SDN:A05::EV_AIRHUM";
    String coordinates "TIME;DEPTH;LATITUDE;LONGITUDE";
    String ioos_category "Meteorology";
    String sdn_instrument_name "unknown";
    String sdn_instrument_uri "";
    String sdn_instrument_urn "SDN:L22::TOOLZZZ";
    String sdn_P02_name "Atmospheric humidity";
    String sdn_P02_urn "SDN:P02::CHUM";
    String sdn_P03_name "Meteorology";
    String sdn_P03_urn "SDN:P03::M010";
    String sdn_P08_name "Atmosphere";
    String sdn_P08_urn "SDN:P08::DS05";
    String sdn_parameter_name "Relative humidity of the atmosphere";
    String sdn_parameter_uri "";
    String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::CRELZZ01";
    String sdn_qc_variable "relative_humidity_qc";
    String sdn_uom_name "Percent";
    String sdn_uom_uri "";
    String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UPCT";
    String sensor_model "unknown";
    String sensor_reference "";
    String sensor_SeaVox_L22_code "SDN:L22::TOOLZZZ";
    String standard_name "relative_humidity";
    String units "Percent";
  temperature_qc {
    Int32 _FillValue 9;
    String Conventions "SeaDataNet measurand qualifier flags";
    String flag_meanings "no_quality_control good_value probably_good_value probably_bad_value bad_value changed_value value_below_detection value_in_excess interpolated_value missing_value";
    String flag_values "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9";
    String ioos_category "Quality";
    String long_name "temperature data quality flag";
    String sdn_conventions_urn "SDN:L20::";
    String standard_name "quality_flag";
  bathymetric_depth_qc {
    Int32 _FillValue 9;
    String Conventions "SeaDataNet measurand qualifier flags";
    String flag_meanings "no_quality_control good_value probably_good_value probably_bad_value bad_value changed_value value_below_detection value_in_excess interpolated_value missing_value";
    String flag_values "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9";
    String ioos_category "Quality";
    String long_name "bathymetric_depth data quality flag";
    String sdn_conventions_urn "SDN:L20::";
    String standard_name "quality_flag";
  salinity_qc {
    Int32 _FillValue 9;
    String Conventions "SeaDataNet measurand qualifier flags";
    String flag_meanings "no_quality_control good_value probably_good_value probably_bad_value bad_value changed_value value_below_detection value_in_excess interpolated_value missing_value";
    String flag_values "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9";
    String ioos_category "Quality";
    String long_name "salinity data quality flag";
    String sdn_conventions_urn "SDN:L20::";
    String standard_name "quality_flag";
  atmospheric_pressure_qc {
    Int32 _FillValue 9;
    String Conventions "SeaDataNet measurand qualifier flags";
    String flag_meanings "no_quality_control good_value probably_good_value probably_bad_value bad_value changed_value value_below_detection value_in_excess interpolated_value missing_value";
    String flag_values "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9";
    String ioos_category "Quality";
    String long_name "atmospheric_pressure data quality flag";
    String sdn_conventions_urn "SDN:L20::";
    String standard_name "quality_flag";
  air_temperature_qc {
    Int32 _FillValue 9;
    String Conventions "SeaDataNet measurand qualifier flags";
    String flag_meanings "no_quality_control good_value probably_good_value probably_bad_value bad_value changed_value value_below_detection value_in_excess interpolated_value missing_value";
    String flag_values "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9";
    String ioos_category "Quality";
    String long_name "air_temperature data quality flag";
    String sdn_conventions_urn "SDN:L20::";
    String standard_name "quality_flag";
  relative_humidity_qc {
    Int32 _FillValue 9;
    String Conventions "SeaDataNet measurand qualifier flags";
    String flag_meanings "no_quality_control good_value probably_good_value probably_bad_value bad_value changed_value value_below_detection value_in_excess interpolated_value missing_value";
    String flag_values "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9";
    String ioos_category "Quality";
    String long_name "relative_humidity data quality flag";
    String sdn_conventions_urn "SDN:L20::";
    String standard_name "quality_flag";
    String area "North Atlantic Ocean";
    String cdm_data_type "Trajectory";
    String cdm_trajectory_variables "midgid,cruise,ices_platform_code,platform_name";
    String contact "";
    String contributor_name "Kieran Lyons";
    String contributor_role "ProjectMember";
    String Conventions "Copernicus-InSituTAC-FormatManual-1.4, SeaDataNet_1.0, CF-1.6, OceanSITES-1.3, ACDD-1.2, COARDS";
    String data_mode "D";
    String data_type "OceanSITES trajectory data";
    String date_created "2023-03-08";
    String date_modified "2023-03-08";
    String defaultDataQuery "&platform_name=\"Celtic Voyager\"&year=2002";
    String defaultGraphQuery "longitude,latitude,temperature&year=2002&.draw=markers&.marker=3|5&.color=0x000000&.colorBar=KT_thermal|||1|15|&.bgColor=0xffccccff";
    String featureType "Trajectory";
    String geospatial_lat_max "58.5246";
    String geospatial_lat_min "49.2283";
    String geospatial_lat_units "degrees_north";
    String geospatial_lon_max "-3.362";
    String geospatial_lon_min "-17.9051";
    String geospatial_lon_units "degrees_east";
    String geospatial_vertical_max "0";
    String geospatial_vertical_min "0";
    String geospatial_vertical_positive "down";
    String geospatial_vertical_units "m";
    String history 
"2025-03-28T23:56:00Z (source database)
    String id "";
    String infoUrl "";
    String institution "Marine Institute";
    String institution_edmo_code "396";
    String institution_edmo_uri "";
    String institution_references "";
    String keywords "Air pressure, Air temperature, Atmospheric humidity, Bathymetry and Elevation, Electrical conductivity of the water column, Salinity of the water column, Temperature of the water column, Wind strength and direction";
    String keywords_vocabulary "SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary";
    String license "CC-BY-4.0";
    String license_uri "";
    String license_URL "";
    String naming_authority "Marine Institute";
    String principal_investigator "Glenn Nolan";
    String principal_investigator_email "";
    String principal_investigator_url "";
    String processing_level "Instrument data that has been converted to geophysical values";
    String publisher_email "";
    String publisher_name "Marine Institute";
    String publisher_url "";
    String source "research vessel";
    String source_platform_category_code "31";
    String sourceUrl "(source database)";
    String standard_name_vocabulary "CF Standard Name Table v85";
    String subsetVariables "midgid,cruise,ices_platform_code,platform_name,year,month";
    String summary "Dataset of selected research vessel underway observations and measurements includes sea surface temperature, sea surface salinity, raw fluorometer voltage, air temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, relative wind speed and direction and vessel sounding measurements including location. The period covered by the dataset is 1994 to 2002.";
    String time_coverage_duration "P8Y9M253D";
    String time_coverage_end "2002-12-03T23:55:00Z";
    String time_coverage_resolution "PT5M";
    String time_coverage_start "1994-03-25T08:55:00Z";
    String title "Ireland's Marine Institute Research Vessel Underway Data 1994 - 2002";


Using tabledap to Request Data and Graphs from Tabular Datasets

tabledap lets you request a data subset, a graph, or a map from a tabular dataset (for example, buoy data), via a specially formed URL. tabledap uses the OPeNDAP (external link) Data Access Protocol (DAP) (external link) and its selection constraints (external link).

The URL specifies what you want: the dataset, a description of the graph or the subset of the data, and the file type for the response.

Tabledap request URLs must be in the form{?query}
For example,,latitude,time,station,wmo_platform_code,T_25&time>=2015-05-23T12:00:00Z&time<=2015-05-31T12:00:00Z
Thus, the query is often a comma-separated list of desired variable names, followed by a collection of constraints (e.g., variable<value), each preceded by '&' (which is interpreted as "AND").

For details, see the tabledap Documentation.

ERDDAP, Version 2.14
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