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   set  data   graph     SmartBay Observatory CTD data    ?   F   I   M   background (external link) RSS Marine Institute spiddal_obs_ctd

The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL acknowledgement String The SmartBay Observatory was funded in part by a grant from Science Foundation Ireland under Grant Number 12/RI/2331. Ongoing operation of the observatory is funded by the Marine Institute and Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland.
attribute NC_GLOBAL area String North Atlantic Ocean
attribute NC_GLOBAL array String SmartBay
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Point
attribute NC_GLOBAL citation String Gaughan, P. (2019) Galway Bay Observatory CTD and Oxygen Data (Raw). Marine Institute, Ireland. 10/dbqx.
attribute NC_GLOBAL contact String data_requests at
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_name String Alan Berry; Conall O'Malley; Rob Thomas
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_role String ProjectManager; ProjectMember; DataManager
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String Copernicus-InSituTAC-FormatManual-1.4, SeaDataNet_1.0, CF-1.6, OceanSITES-1.3, ACDD-1.2, COARDS
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String Marine Institute
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL data_mode String R
attribute NC_GLOBAL data_type String OceanSITES time-series data
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_created String 2015-09-30
attribute NC_GLOBAL defaultDataQuery String &time>=now-30minutes
attribute NC_GLOBAL defaultGraphQuery String time,temp&time>=now-45days&orderByClosest("time,1day")&.draw=lines
attribute NC_GLOBAL doi String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String Point
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max String 53.22733
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min String 53.22733
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max String -9.26629
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min String -9.26629
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_max String 20
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_min String 20
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_positive String down
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_units String m
attribute NC_GLOBAL history String 2020-04-20: Metadata attributes enhanced following OceanSITES and SeaDataNet attribute and vocabulary requirements.
2020-05-13: Metadata attributes enhanced following Copernicus Marine In Situ NetCDF format manual.
attribute NC_GLOBAL id String
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String Marine Institute
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution_edmo_code String 396
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution_references String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column, Electrical conductivity of the water column, Salinity of the water column, Sea level, Sound velocity and travel time in \nthe water column, Temperature of the water column
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (
attribute NC_GLOBAL licenseURL String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL naming_authority String Marine Institute
attribute NC_GLOBAL principal_investigator String Paul Gaughan
attribute NC_GLOBAL principal_investigator_email String paul.gaughan at
attribute NC_GLOBAL principal_investigator_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL processing_level String Instrument data that has been converted to geophysical values
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_email String data_requests at
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_name String Marine Institute
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL QC_indicator String unknown
attribute NC_GLOBAL sdn_bot_depth String 23
attribute NC_GLOBAL sdn_cruise String SmartBay Observatory
attribute NC_GLOBAL sdn_edmo_code String 396
attribute NC_GLOBAL sdn_local_cdi_id String MICDI134797
attribute NC_GLOBAL sdn_primary_variable String time
attribute NC_GLOBAL sdn_station String Galway Bay
attribute NC_GLOBAL source String fixed benthic node
attribute NC_GLOBAL source_platform_category_code String 11
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (Cassandra)
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v72
attribute NC_GLOBAL subsetVariables String instrument_id
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String The SmartBay Observatory in Galway Bay is an underwater observatory which uses
cameras, probes and sensors to permit continuous and remote live underwater monitoring. It was installed in 2015
on the seafloor 1.5km off the coast of Spiddal, Co. Galway, Ireland at a depth of 20-25m. Underwater
observatories allow ocean researchers unique real-time access to monitor ongoing changes in the marine
environment. The Galway Bay Observatory is an important contribution by Ireland to the growing global network of
real-time data capture systems deployed in the ocean. Data relating to the marine environment at the Galway
Observatory site is transferred in real-time through a fibre optic telecommunications cable to the Marine
Institute headquarters and then made publically available on the internet. The data includes a live video
stream, the depth of the observatory node, the water temperature and salinity, and estimates of the chlorophyll
and turbidity levels in the water which give an indication of the volume of phytoplankton and other particles,
such as sediment, in the water. Maintenance take place on the observatory every 18 to 24 months. This CTD
(Conductivity, Temperature, Depth) and Oxygen Dataset comprises of the raw data that is collected from the
Galway Observatory site using an Idronaut Ocean-Seven 304 plus Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) sensor
probe. The sensor measures the temperature and conductivity of the seawater. The conductivity is used to
calculate an estimate of the salinity. The pressure exerted by the seawater above is used to calculate the depth
of the sensor, and these parameters are also used to estimate the speed of sound within the sea. The Ocean-Seven
304 Plus CTD has also been equipped with a polarographic IDRONAUT dissolved oxygen sensor which measure the
dissolved oxygen concentration of the seawater. The sensor is deployed on the EMSO Smartbay Cable End Equipment
Node in Galway Bay in approx. 25m depth of water.
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_resolution String PT2S
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2015-09-30T12:49:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String SmartBay Observatory CTD data
variable instrument_id   String  
attribute instrument_id ioos_category String Identifier
attribute instrument_id long_name String Instrument Id
attribute instrument_id sdn_instrument_name String I-OCEAN7-304
attribute instrument_id sdn_instrument_urn String SDN:L22::TOOL0861
attribute instrument_id sdn_parameter_name String Serial number of instrument
attribute instrument_id sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::SERNUMZZ
attribute instrument_id sdn_units_name String Not applicable
attribute instrument_id sdn_units_urn String SDN:P06::XXXX
attribute instrument_id sensor_manufacturer String Idronaut
attribute instrument_id sensor_model String Ocean Seven 304 CTD
attribute instrument_id sensor_mount String mounted_on_benthic_node
attribute instrument_id sensor_reference String (external link)
variable longitude   double  
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude colorBarMaximum double 180.0
attribute longitude colorBarMinimum double -180.0
attribute longitude coordinate_reference_frame String urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String longitude of measurement
attribute longitude Processing_level String Instrument data that has been converted to geophysical values
attribute longitude QC_indicator String unknown
attribute longitude reference String WGS84
attribute longitude sdn_parameter_name String Longitude east
attribute longitude sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::ALONZZ01
attribute longitude sdn_units_name String Degrees east
attribute longitude sdn_units_urn String SDN:P06::DEGE
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
attribute longitude valid_max double 180.0
attribute longitude valid_min double -180.0
variable latitude   double  
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude colorBarMaximum double 90.0
attribute latitude colorBarMinimum double -90.0
attribute latitude coordinate_reference_frame String urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String latitude of measurement
attribute latitude Processing_level String Instrument data that has been converted to geophysical values
attribute latitude QC_indicator String unknown
attribute latitude reference String WGS84
attribute latitude sdn_parameter_name String Latitude north
attribute latitude sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::ALATZZ01
attribute latitude sdn_units_name String Degrees north
attribute latitude sdn_units_urn String SDN:P06::DEGN
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
attribute latitude valid_max double 90.0
attribute latitude valid_min double -90.0
variable depth   double  
attribute depth _CoordinateAxisType String Height
attribute depth _CoordinateZisPositive String down
attribute depth axis String Z
attribute depth coordinate_reference_frame String urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::5715
attribute depth ioos_category String Location
attribute depth long_name String depth of measurement
attribute depth positive String down
attribute depth Processing_level String Instrument data that has been converted to geophysical values
attribute depth QC_indicator String unknown
attribute depth reference String mean_sea_level
attribute depth sdn_parameter_name String Depth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body
attribute depth sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::ADEPZZ01
attribute depth sdn_units_name String Metres
attribute depth sdn_units_urn String SDN:P06::ULAA
attribute depth standard_name String depth
attribute depth units String m
attribute depth valid_max double 12000.0
attribute depth valid_min double 0.0
variable time   double  
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time axis String T
attribute time calendar String julian
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String time of measurement
attribute time Processing_level String Instrument data that has been converted to geophysical values
attribute time QC_indicator String unknown
attribute time sdn_parameter_name String Elapsed time relative to 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
attribute time sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::ELTMEP01
attribute time sdn_units_name String Seconds
attribute time sdn_units_urn String SDN:P06::UTBB
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable cond   double  
attribute cond _FillValue double -9999.0
attribute cond accuracy String 0.005 mS/cm
attribute cond ancillary_variables String instrument_id
attribute cond cell_methods String point
attribute cond DM_indicator String R
attribute cond ioos_category String Other
attribute cond long_name String conductivity of sea water
attribute cond processing_level String Instrument data that has been converted to geophysical values
attribute cond QC_indicator String unknown
attribute cond resolution String 0.001 mS/cm
attribute cond sdn_instrument_name String I-OCEAN7-304
attribute cond sdn_instrument_urn String SDN:L22::TOOL0861
attribute cond sdn_parameter_name String Electrical conductivity of the water body
attribute cond sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::CNDCZZ01
attribute cond sdn_units_name String MilliSiemens per centimetre
attribute cond sdn_units_urn String SDN:P06::MSCM
attribute cond standard_name String sea_water_electrical_conductivity
attribute cond units String mS/cm
attribute cond valid_max double 70.0
attribute cond valid_min double 0.0
variable press   double  
attribute press _FillValue double -9999.0
attribute press accuracy String 0.05 %
attribute press ancillary_variables String instrument_id
attribute press cell_methods String point
attribute press DM_indicator String R
attribute press ioos_category String Sea Level
attribute press long_name String pressure exerted by sea water and overlying atmosphere
attribute press processing_level String Instrument data that has been converted to geophysical values
attribute press QC_indicator String unknown
attribute press resolution String 0.0015 %
attribute press sdn_instrument_name String I-OCEAN7-304
attribute press sdn_instrument_urn String SDN:L22::TOOL0861
attribute press sdn_parameter_name String Pressure (measured variable) exerted by the water body plus atmosphere by fixed in-situ pressure sensor
attribute press sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::PRSTPS01
attribute press sdn_units_name String Decibars
attribute press sdn_units_urn String SDN:P06::UPDB
attribute press standard_name String sea_water_pressure
attribute press units String decibars
attribute press valid_max double 50.0
attribute press valid_min double 0.0
variable sal   double  
attribute sal _FillValue double -9999.0
attribute sal ancillary_variables String instrument_id
attribute sal cell_methods String point
attribute sal DM_indicator String R
attribute sal ioos_category String Salinity
attribute sal long_name String salinity
attribute sal processing_level String Instrument data that has been converted to geophysical values
attribute sal QC_indicator String unknown
attribute sal sdn_instrument_name String I-OCEAN7-304
attribute sal sdn_instrument_urn String SDN:L22::TOOL0861
attribute sal sdn_parameter_name String Practical salinity of the water body by computation using UNESCO 1983
attribute sal sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::PSALZZXX
attribute sal sdn_units_name String Dimensionless
attribute sal sdn_units_urn String SDN:P06::UUUU
attribute sal standard_name String sea_water_salinity
attribute sal units String dimensionless
attribute sal valid_max double 40.0
attribute sal valid_min double 0.0
variable soundv   double  
attribute soundv _FillValue double -9999.0
attribute soundv ancillary_variables String instrument_id
attribute soundv cell_methods String point
attribute soundv DM_indicator String R
attribute soundv ioos_category String Other
attribute soundv long_name String sound velocity in sea water
attribute soundv processing_level String Instrument data that has been converted to geophysical values
attribute soundv QC_indicator String unknown
attribute soundv sdn_instrument_name String I-OCEAN7-304
attribute soundv sdn_instrument_urn String SDN:L22::TOOL0861
attribute soundv sdn_parameter_name String Sound velocity in the water body
attribute soundv sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::SVELXXXX
attribute soundv sdn_units_name String Metres per second
attribute soundv sdn_units_urn String SDN:P06::UVAA
attribute soundv standard_name String speed_of_sound_in_sea_water
attribute soundv units String m/s
variable temp   double  
attribute temp _FillValue double -9999.0
attribute temp accuracy String 0.005 degrees C
attribute temp ancillary_variables String instrument_id
attribute temp cell_methods String point
attribute temp DM_indicator String R
attribute temp ioos_category String Temperature
attribute temp long_name String Temperature
attribute temp processing_level String Instrument data that has been converted to geophysical values
attribute temp QC_indicator String unknown
attribute temp reference_scale String ITS-90
attribute temp resolution String 0.0006 degrees C
attribute temp sdn_instrument_name String I-OCEAN7-304
attribute temp sdn_instrument_urn String SDN:L22::TOOL0861
attribute temp sdn_parameter_name String Temperature of the water body
attribute temp sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::TEMPPR01
attribute temp sdn_units_name String Degrees Celsius
attribute temp sdn_units_urn String SDN:P06::UPAA
attribute temp standard_name String sea_water_temperature
attribute temp units String degrees C
attribute temp valid_max double 35.0
attribute temp valid_min double -5.0
variable dissolved_oxygen_ppm   double  
attribute dissolved_oxygen_ppm _FillValue double -9999.0
attribute dissolved_oxygen_ppm accuracy String 0.1 mg/L
attribute dissolved_oxygen_ppm ancillary_variables String instrument_id
attribute dissolved_oxygen_ppm cell_methods String point
attribute dissolved_oxygen_ppm DM_indicator String R
attribute dissolved_oxygen_ppm ioos_category String Dissolved O2
attribute dissolved_oxygen_ppm long_name String dissolved oxygen concentration
attribute dissolved_oxygen_ppm processing_level String Instrument data that has been converted to geophysical values
attribute dissolved_oxygen_ppm QC_indicator String unknown
attribute dissolved_oxygen_ppm resolution String 0.01 mg/L
attribute dissolved_oxygen_ppm sdn_instrument_name String I-OCEAN7-304
attribute dissolved_oxygen_ppm sdn_instrument_urn String SDN:L22::TOOL0861
attribute dissolved_oxygen_ppm sdn_parameter_name String Concentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase]
attribute dissolved_oxygen_ppm sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::DOXYZZXX
attribute dissolved_oxygen_ppm sdn_units_name String Micrograms per litre
attribute dissolved_oxygen_ppm sdn_units_urn String SDN:P06::UGML
attribute dissolved_oxygen_ppm standard_name String mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water
attribute dissolved_oxygen_ppm units String mg/L
attribute dissolved_oxygen_ppm valid_max double 10.0
attribute dissolved_oxygen_ppm valid_min double 0.0
variable dissolved_oxygen_sat   double  
attribute dissolved_oxygen_sat _FillValue double -9999.0
attribute dissolved_oxygen_sat accuracy String 1% saturation
attribute dissolved_oxygen_sat ancillary_variables String instrument_id
attribute dissolved_oxygen_sat cell_methods String point
attribute dissolved_oxygen_sat DM_indicator String R
attribute dissolved_oxygen_sat ioos_category String Dissolved O2
attribute dissolved_oxygen_sat long_name String dissolved oxygen saturation
attribute dissolved_oxygen_sat processing_level String Instrument data that has been converted to geophysical values
attribute dissolved_oxygen_sat QC_indicator String unknown
attribute dissolved_oxygen_sat resolution String 0.1% saturation
attribute dissolved_oxygen_sat sdn_instrument_name String I-OCEAN7-304
attribute dissolved_oxygen_sat sdn_instrument_urn String SDN:L22::TOOL0861
attribute dissolved_oxygen_sat sdn_parameter_name String Saturation of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} in the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase]
attribute dissolved_oxygen_sat sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::OXYSZZ01
attribute dissolved_oxygen_sat sdn_units_name String Percent
attribute dissolved_oxygen_sat sdn_units_urn String SDN:P06::UPCT
attribute dissolved_oxygen_sat standard_name String volume_fraction_of_oxygen_in_sea_water
attribute dissolved_oxygen_sat units String %
attribute dissolved_oxygen_sat valid_max double 130.0
attribute dissolved_oxygen_sat valid_min double 0.0
variable ttime   String  
attribute ttime ioos_category String Unknown
attribute ttime long_name String Ttime

The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.

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